Claire Whitcomb

freelance violinist + violist

Classical, folk, rock, pop, fiddle, electric violin, improvisation


Recent Video Game and Film Soundtracks

  • Home Staring Reese Witherspoon (2017)(Open Road Media)

  • Destiny 2 DLC (scheduled 2017)(Bungie)

  • Star Wars: Battlefront Live Action Trailer – Become More Powerful (2015)

  • Ratchet and Clank (2016) (Insomniac Games)

  • Minecraft (2015) (Microsoft)

  • FIFA 16 (2015) (EA)

  • Dragon Age: Inquisition (2014) (EA)

  • The Last Witch Hunter Staring Vin Diesel (2015) (Lions Gate Entertainment)

Recent Live Performances

  • Trans Siberian Orchestra

  • Bonnarroo

  • Jackie Evancho

  • Wilson Phillips

  • Jars of Clay

  • Kenny Rogers

  • Neil Sedaka

  • Anthony Kearns of the 3 Irish Tenors

  • Paul Williams

  • Take Five featuring the Brubeck Brothers

  • Cirque de la Symphonie


Claire Whitcomb began playing piano at 4 years old, viola at age 12, and violin in high school while studying with Dan Reinker, principal violist of the Nashville Symphony, at Vanderbilt's Blair School of Music pre-college program. She obtained her Bachelor's of Music degree from Middle TN State University under the tutelage of Sarah Cote and went on to achieve her Master's of Music Degree from the Cincinnati Conservatory, where she studied under Masao Kawasaki and Catharine Carroll. There she also studied excerpts with the principal violist of the Cincinnati Symphony, Christian Colberg.

Claire is currently a tenured string player with the West Virginia Symphony and Lexington Philharmonic. She is a formal substitute with the Cincinnati Symphony, Louisville Orchestra,  Chattanooga Symphony, Amarillo Symphony, and many other orchestras. With over 10 years teaching violin, viola, and piano she began the Claire de Lune Academy in 2014 out of her home, just north of Nashville, TN. 

Check out her YouTube Channel featuring her own arrangements and performances of popular tunes where she plays a variety of instruments like ukulele, glockenspiel, melodica, violin, viola, piano, and percussion.


I've been teaching violin, viola, and piano for over 10 years and the most important aspect in my teaching is instilling a love and appreciation for music in my students. My message to you if you're thinking about starting to play is that everyone deserves to experience the satisfying, fun, and character building skill that is learning to play an instrument. With a little time and dedication anyone of any age can learn to play. It's never too late to start!  

I tailor all my lessons to my individual students depending on musical goals, age and ability, and address both anatomical issues regarding technique and musical issues involving things like tone, musicality, and intonation. My primary training is in classical music and that foundation has allowed me to branch out to different genres from rock, gospel, folk, fiddle, improvisation, and popular music.  

Whatever genre you wish to learn, we will have fun and take the time necessary for you to have the most enjoyable and valuable experience.  Whether you need a short term tutor or a full time instructor to aid in reaching your potential, I am here to help!

Watch the music video for Claire's arrangement of The Little Mermaid's "Kiss the Girl" from Claire's Youtube Channel: